Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Dawn of 3D Capitalism

Friday 2/10/12 is the dawn of a new era of three dimensional capitalism. That is the first day NYS allows a new type of corporation, the Benefit Corporation. A Benefit Corporation earns the triple bottom line of people, planet, and profit. By acknowledging that a business can make a People Profit, a Planet Profit, and a Money Profit a business opens up their narrow vision to see more of the big picture.
By predicting, tracking, and improving each of these bottom lines a Benefit Corporation has three angles into its business instead of the old fashioned one dimensional profit.
In this age of rapid change the more ways a business looks at its performance the more ways that business can rapidly respond to the needs, wants, and desires of its customers, workers, neighbors, suppliers, and owners. It will not take long for 3D capitalist businesses to outperform any businesses that choose to remain one dimensional.
Excelsior New York for approving this new business type!